LG Sciencepark LG Sciencepark

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LG operates Innovation Council in order to discover future technologies and new business
opportunities through various insights from the perspective of open innovation.

Comprised of global experts from various disciplines, Innovation Council continuously discusses industry trends and insights and discovers future technologies and business opportunities, which we nurture into the next big things (NBTs) to provide our customers with bigger values.

Areas of Discussion

Innovation Council selects and manages promising global business areas to identify
industry trends and get the insight into the next big things (NBTs).
  • AI

  • Metaverse

  • Software

  • Web3

  • Robotics

  • Quantum Computing

  • Healthcare

  • Media

  • Aerospace

  • Mobility

  • Bio

  • Agrifood

LG Innovation Council Workshop_Aerospace Tech

LG Innovation Council Workshop_Aerospace Tech